1. Floating Seal ( STE-FS-010 )
Operating Parameters
Pressure      : 18 Bar
Temperature   : -20 to 180°C (270° C with FFKM seals)
Speed         : 20 M/Sec
Size           : 0.750″ to 4.5000″ / 20 to 115mm
               (higher sizes available on request)
Applications    : Polymerizing, Crystalizing chemical slurriesÂ
                Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceuticals,
                Food & Fertilizers.
Materials of Construction
Seal faces     : Carbon, SiC, Ceramic, TC, Cr-Alloy
Sec. Seals     : Viton, EPDM, TTV, FFKM
Metal Parts    : SS 304, SS 316